From Bullied to Brilliant – A Professional Coaching Program for Schools

‘Educators are in a unique and enviable position to not only build meaningful relationships with students, but also have a profound, and positive effect on their lives.’ 

From Bullied to Brilliant – A Professional Coaching logoProgram for Schools® is a collaboration between Australian Teacher Aide and Karen Clarke, author ‘From Bullied to Brilliant – How to Artfully Avoid Fitting In’. The program takes an innovative approach to bullying by focusing on the solution, not the problem.

Karen believes that how we approach bullying is more important than the problem itself and applies this philosophy to show educators how they can use simple coaching techniques (that she believes we all know – but forgot we knew) to help children develop resilience and social-emotional well-being.

Click HERE to register your interest in this program. You will automatically go in the draw for a chance to win a copy of Karen Clarke’s book, From Bullied to Brilliant.

Module 1: Understanding Bullying in Schools

In module one, Karen shares the lived stories of a victim and a bully at school who were able to shift their pattern of thinking and move on to lead successful lives. Through these stories, Karen helps educators gain a deeper understanding of the origins of bully and victim behaviour.

Karen shows educators how to use her exclusive Bully – Victim Indicator Checklist, to provide a clear picture of the emotional and social wellbeing of students and identify those who are in need of support be they bully or victim.

Karen believes that this is an essential aspect of the coaching process as an understanding of the students is vital if we are to move towards a solution.

Module 2: Breaking the Bully-Victim Cycle in Schools

In module two, Karen shows educators how to use a simple coaching process to bring patterns and behaviours to the attention of students who may be struggling with confidence and self-esteem and guide them towards discovering their own solutions.

She shares her practical tools and strategies that educators can use with specific students, with groups and in classrooms.

Karen believes that developing confidence and self-esteem in students plays a key role in ending the bully/victim cycle and dramatically improving student wellbeing.

Register your Expression of Interest HERE
