I have been working on this project with Karen Clarke and Natalie Hennessey for the past 12 months or so as a contributor and coach and this morning I feel very privileged to be lying in bed reading this masterpiece by Karen Clarke.
Although I have read the manuscript many times over in past year having the tangible item and reading the end product has so much more impact for me today. If you are in a controlling relationship, have/had abusive or domineering parents, over bearing work colleagues, bosses, teaches, coaches or in any situation where you feel disempowered you must read this book.
I see so much of myself in this book and how my low self esteem and lack of confidence in my early days lead me into situations and relationships that further compounded the problem. So grateful I now have the skills and knowledge to stand in my truth and be my authentic self. This amazing book by Karen Clarke will get you there too.
Tracey Carmichael
Happy Mind Coach and Yoga Instructor
Author, Happy Mind Formula