Rabia Tanveer


5star-shiny-webFrom Bullied to Brilliant: How to Artfully Avoid Fitting In by Karen Clarke is a non-fiction book on bullying and how some people can distance themselves from their bullied past and move on to a brilliant future. More importantly, this book helps parents and children understand how they can stop themselves from being bullied. Clarke has done her research on this topic and she too has been a victim of bullying in her life. And as she is a mother of school aged children, her facts and sympathies are spot on. You can understand her point because she understands yours.

This book will definitely help people understand bullying and bring a sense of calm into their life. Since the school year is starting or has started in many parts of the world, this would be a wonderful book for kids who are victims of bullying. Remember that there are many forms of bullying and not every child shares these experiences with their parents. Just buy this book and ask them to read it; if they need help they will find it here. This is a wonderfully informative book that will help kids all over the world.


Rabia Tanveer
Book Reviewer – Readers’ Favorite