Bullying comes in many forms and pretty much anyone has the potential to be a bully. It is, however, most common in situations where one is seen to be different from what society deems to be normal. Instead of embracing and celebrating our diversity, the bullying culture victimises those that are believed to not conform to what is believed to be the norm. In her deeply insightful book titled From Bullied to Brilliant: How To Artfully Avoid Fitting In, Karen Clarke shines a fresh light onto the vice so it can be understood and practical ways forward can be formed.
The stories shared, from people who have suffered at the hands of bullies and prevailed, are a strong source of inspiration and a message to all that if you are going through it, you are not alone and you too can overcome. Bullying comes in many forms and can take place anywhere – at home, at school, at work, and just about anywhere in society. From Bullied to Brilliant is a must-read for all authority figures and for those they seek to protect. Whether you are or have been a victim of bullying, or you are simply seeking practical solutions so you can support those dealing with it, you will find this book a truly worthy read. From Bullied to Brilliant shares knowledge to empower readers to find the strength and confidence to overcome.
Faridah Nassozi
Book Reviewer – Readers’ Favorite