Do Victims Have Any Power?

On Yana TV, Karen talks about her groundbreaking system to break the cycle of bullying. Her peaceful methods for overcoming bullying are based on the teachings of Gandhi, and they are tried, tested, and effective. Karen proposes that not only the bully has work to do in an unhealthy relationship, […]


Karen Clarke together with corporate trainer Dion Jensen from eMAGINE Academy discuss workplace bullying at the MONEY FM 89.3 studio in Singapore.  

Fairsy's Big Breakfast – LAFM

Bullying is an issue almost all Aussie kids face whilst growing up, and despite ongoing attempts to eradicate it, bullies continue to wreak havoc in our schools. Karen Clarke, bullying expert and author of From Bullied to Brilliant, believes the answer to bullying lies within the victims. Joining Fairsy this […]

Mornings with Mel Little

What is the relationship between a bully and a victim and how does that work out in a marriage? Is it as black and white as it seems? Are all bullies bad people? I really enjoyed chatting with Mel Little from 104.1 Territory FM about how to deal […]

Demystifying Bullying

A great discussion with the lovely Amanda Rootsey from ‘Shine From Within’ as part of Amanda’s Youth Mentor Series.   In this episode, Karen shares tips on: how to open the discussion and come up with strategies together with your teen if they’ve been bullied when parents should […]