The Interviews

Love, Non-Violence, Bullying – With Adam Bean and David Dean

Love, non-violence, bullying and other such things. Is there any quiet in the storm? A lively, upbeat and topical discussion as we delve into the seriousness of hostile, challenging and difficult relationships. With Adam Bean (Beanie) from Sunshine Coast Social Media Mastery and David Dean from Hostile Entertainment  

Karen Clarke on Noosa FM

Karen Clarke chats with Jojo on Noosa FM and debunks some of the bullying myths and offers insight and empowerment.  

Interview with The Dream Guards & Karen Clarke

Should we be looking at bullying differently? What is resilience and how do we find it? Are we doomed to live lives of victimhood or bullying? An interview with author Karen Clarke and the Dream Guards, Donna-Leigh Perfect and Michael Bennett.


Karen Clarke together with corporate trainer Dion Jensen from eMAGINE Academy discuss workplace bullying at the MONEY FM 89.3 studio in Singapore.  

Mornings with Mel Little

What is the relationship between a bully and a victim and how does that work out in a marriage? Is it as black and white as it seems? Are all bullies bad people? I really enjoyed chatting with Mel Little from 104.1 Territory FM about how to deal […]

Demystifying Bullying

A great discussion with the lovely Amanda Rootsey from ‘Shine From Within’ as part of Amanda’s Youth Mentor Series.   In this episode, Karen shares tips on: how to open the discussion and come up with strategies together with your teen if they’ve been bullied when parents should […]